How to download and install RimWorld modsīefore downloading a mod, specially if you are downloading it directly and not from the Steam Workshop, you must find out if it’s compatible with your game version. It is up to you to choose how do you want to customize your game but, with this guide, we will show you how to get started. But they can also be huge additions that expand the gameplay or turn the game into a complete different experience. RimWorld Mods can be small tweaks that add a feature or two, or try to fix a bug or a fault in the user interface. RimWorld has an extensive supply of mods and tools to make your experience even more fun. The content of this website is proof of it. It is really impressive to see what a community can do with a game when given the freedom and tools to modify it. Mods are modifications of the game files made by players that add features and expand the original capabilities of a game. Mods can contribute to the success and continuity of a game, as it makes them more lively and open countless possibilities.